This section will introduce you to the MIB Smithy Toolbar, which provides quick access to the most commonly used menu functions. As you can see in the figure below, the Toolbar is grouped by function into three main sections separated by two vertical bars: file operations (left), record creation (middle), and compiler activities (right).
Figure - MIB Smithy Toolbar
This is the toolbar as it appears with the text option disabled. Using the View → Toolbars → Text & Image menu, you can opt to display text beneath the toolbar icons that indicates the button's function. This is the default option for new users. A brief description of each of the buttons on the Toolbar also follows below. Additionally, while running the application, you can place the mouse cursor over a button in the Toolbar to get a brief description of the button in the Status Bar or, if Balloon Help is turned on, a small popup with similar instructive text.
You will notice that all of the buttons in this section of the Toolbar are the same as those used for nearly all of the records in the Project Tree. In MIB Smithy, each type of record (MIB Module, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-COMPLIANCE, etc.) is assigned a unique icon so that you can tell at a glance what type of record it is associated with (with the exception of conformance modules, conformance groups and variations, which can be identified by their position in the tree structure with respect to a MODULE-COMPLIANCE or AGENT-CAPABILITIES statement). Each of these icons is reproduced in the Record Creation section of the Toolbar, and each of these buttons is used to create a new record of the type associated with the icon. The position and record type of each button corresponds to the commands in the Insert Menu.
The new record is created as a "child" of either the selected record in the Project Tree or of the closest applicable parent. For example, to create an OBJECT-TYPE record, you can select any item in the Project Tree at or below a MIB Module record and press the New Object
button. If the created and selected records both are of a type that assigns an OBJECT IDENTIFIER value, then the new record will be automatically assigned the next available sub-identifier of the selected record. These buttons will be disabled if the neither the selected record in the Project Tree nor any of its parents are appropriate containers for the button's record type.
Some of these icons, such as the Table icon, can carry special meaning. In the Project Tree, this icon indicates an OBJECT-TYPE (normally
) that has a SYNTAX value of either SEQUENCE or SEQUENCE OF subtype (part of the form that table definitions take in SMIv1/v2). The purpose behind the table icon is to set those OBJECT-TYPE records apart visually from normal scalar (non-tabular/columnar) OBJECT-TYPEs, though they are no different syntactically from scalars. In the Toolbar, the Table icon launches the Table Wizard, which can be used to quickly create all of the necessary records a new table definition, together, as opposed to creating the individual OBJECT-TYPEs and the row type definition manually.