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  1. RFC 9555
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                       M. Loffredo
Request for Comments: 9555                           IIT-CNR/Registro.it
Updates: 6350                                                R. Stepanek
Category: Standards Track                                       Fastmail
ISSN: 2070-1721                                                 May 2024

                JSContact: Converting from and to vCard


   This document defines how to convert contact information between the
   JSContact and vCard data formats.  It defines conversion rules for
   every JSContact and vCard element registered at IANA at the time of
   publication.  It also defines new JSContact properties as well as
   vCard properties and parameters, to support converting arbitrary or
   unknown JSContact and vCard elements.

Status of This Memo

   This is an Internet Standards Track document.

   This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
   (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
   received public review and has been approved for publication by the
   Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Further information on
   Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841.

   Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info) in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Revised BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the
   Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described
   in the Revised BSD License.

   This document may contain material from IETF Documents or IETF
   Contributions published or made publicly available before November
   10, 2008.  The person(s) controlling the copyright in some of this
   material may not have granted the IETF Trust the right to allow
   modifications of such material outside the IETF Standards Process.
   Without obtaining an adequate license from the person(s) controlling
   the copyright in such materials, this document may not be modified
   outside the IETF Standards Process, and derivative works of it may
   not be created outside the IETF Standards Process, except to format
   it for publication as an RFC or to translate it into languages other
   than English.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction
     1.1.  Motivation
     1.2.  Notational Conventions
     1.3.  ABNF Notations
   2.  Converting vCard to JSContact
     2.1.  General Rules
       2.1.1.  The Card uid Property
       2.1.2.  Choosing Identifiers
     2.2.  vCard Value Data Types
       2.2.1.  BOOLEAN
       2.2.3.  INTEGER
       2.2.4.  FLOAT
       2.2.5.  LANGUAGE-TAG
       2.2.6.  TEXT
       2.2.7.  URI
       2.2.8.  UTC-OFFSET
     2.3.  vCard Parameters
       2.3.1.  ALTID
       2.3.2.  AUTHOR
       2.3.3.  AUTHOR-NAME
       2.3.4.  CALSCALE
       2.3.5.  CC
       2.3.6.  CREATED
       2.3.7.  DERIVED
       2.3.8.  GEO
       2.3.9.  GROUP
       2.3.10. INDEX
       2.3.11. LANGUAGE
       2.3.12. LABEL
       2.3.13. LEVEL
       2.3.14. MEDIATYPE
       2.3.15. PHONETIC
       2.3.16. PID
       2.3.17. PREF
       2.3.18. PROP-ID
       2.3.19. SCRIPT
       2.3.20. SERVICE-TYPE
       2.3.21. SORT-AS
       2.3.22. TYPE
       2.3.23. TZ
       2.3.24. USERNAME
       2.3.25. VALUE
     2.4.  General Properties
       2.4.1.  BEGIN and END
       2.4.2.  KIND
       2.4.3.  SOURCE
       2.4.4.  XML
     2.5.  Identification Properties
       2.5.2.  FN
       2.5.3.  GENDER
       2.5.4.  GRAMGENDER and PRONOUNS
       2.5.5.  N
       2.5.6.  NICKNAME
       2.5.7.  PHOTO
     2.6.  Delivery Addressing Properties
       2.6.1.  ADR
     2.7.  Communications Properties
       2.7.1.  EMAIL
       2.7.2.  IMPP
       2.7.3.  LANG
       2.7.4.  LANGUAGE
       2.7.5.  SOCIALPROFILE
       2.7.6.  TEL
     2.8.  Geographical Properties
       2.8.1.  GEO
       2.8.2.  TZ
       2.8.3.  Combining Geographical Properties
     2.9.  Organizational Properties
       2.9.1.  CONTACT-URI
       2.9.2.  LOGO
       2.9.3.  MEMBER
       2.9.4.  ORG
       2.9.5.  RELATED
       2.9.6.  TITLE and ROLE
     2.10. Personal Information Properties
       2.10.1.  EXPERTISE
       2.10.2.  HOBBY
       2.10.3.  INTEREST
       2.10.4.  ORG-DIRECTORY
     2.11. Explanatory Properties
       2.11.1.  CATEGORIES
       2.11.2.  CLIENTPIDMAP
       2.11.3.  CREATED
       2.11.4.  NOTE
       2.11.5.  PRODID
       2.11.6.  REV
       2.11.7.  SOUND
       2.11.8.  UID
       2.11.9.  URL
       2.11.10. VERSION
       2.11.11. X-ABLabel
     2.12. Security Properties
       2.12.1.  KEY
     2.13. Calendar Properties
       2.13.1.  CALADRURI
       2.13.2.  CALURI
       2.13.3.  FBURL
     2.14. Extended Properties and Parameters
     2.15. New JSContact Properties
       2.15.1.  vCardProps
       2.15.2.  vCardParams
       2.15.3.  vCardName
   3.  Converting JSContact to vCard
     3.1.  Conversion Rules
       3.1.1.  Converting Unknown Properties
     3.2.  New vCard Properties
       3.2.1.  JSPROP
     3.3.  New vCard Parameters
       3.3.1.  JSCOMPS
       3.3.2.  JSPTR
   4.  Security Considerations
   5.  IANA Considerations
     5.1.  New vCard Property
     5.2.  New vCard Parameter
     5.3.  New JSContact Properties
     5.4.  New JSContact Type
   6.  References
     6.1.  Normative References
     6.2.  Informative References
   Appendix A.  Reverse Rules of Converting a vCard to a JSContact
   Authors' Addresses

1.  Introduction

1.1.  Motivation

   The JSContact data model and format [RFC9553] aims to be an
   alternative to the widely used vCard standard [RFC6350] and jCard
   format [RFC7095].

   While applications might prefer JSContact to exchange contact card
   data with other systems, they are likely to interoperate with
   services and clients that only support vCard or jCard.  Similarly,
   existing contact data providers and consumers already using vCard or
   jCard might also want to represent their contact data in JSContact.

   To achieve this, this document defines standard rules to convert
   contact data between JSContact and vCard (and consequently jCard).

1.2.  Notational Conventions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

1.3.  ABNF Notations

   The ABNF definitions in this document use the notations of [RFC5234].
   ABNF rules not defined in this document are defined in either
   [RFC5234] (such as the ABNF for CRLF, WSP, DQUOTE, VCHAR, ALPHA, and
   DIGIT) or [RFC6350].

2.  Converting vCard to JSContact

   This section contains the conversion rules from the vCard to the
   JSContact Card.  It follows the same structure as vCard v4 [RFC6350].
   Properties and parameters of vCard extension RFCs, including those
   described in "vCard Format Extension for JSContact" [RFC9554], have
   been added to the appropriate subsections.

2.1.  General Rules

2.1.1.  The Card uid Property

   The UID property (Section 6.7.6 of [RFC6350]) in vCard is optional,
   but the Card object's uid property (Section 2.1.9 of [RFC9553]) is
   mandatory.  Implementations that convert a vCard without a UID
   property MUST generate a unique identifier as value for the uid
   property.  This value SHOULD be the same when converting the same
   vCard multiple times, but how to achieve this is implementation-

2.1.2.  Choosing Identifiers

   Multivalued properties in JSContact are typically represented as a
   JSON object where the object keys are of the Id type (Section 1.4.1
   of [RFC9553]) and the object values are the converted vCard property.
   In the absence of the PROP-ID parameter (see Section 2.3.18),
   implementations are free to choose any identifier as key for such
   entries.  Whatever identifier generation scheme implementations use,
   they MUST generate values that are valid according to the definition
   of the Id type in [RFC9553].  For example, this could be an
   incrementing number across all identifier keys in the Card object or
   only unique within one JSON object.

2.2.  vCard Value Data Types

2.2.1.  BOOLEAN

   The BOOLEAN type (Section 4.4 of [RFC6350]) converts to the JSContact
   Boolean type (Section 1.3.2 of [RFC9553]).


   The TIMESTAMP type (Section 4.3.5 of [RFC6350]) converts to the
   UTCDateTime type (Section 1.4.5 of [RFC9553]), except for
   anniversaries.  For anniversaries, it converts to the Timestamp type
   (Section 2.8.1 of [RFC9553]).

   The DATE type (Section 4.3.1 of [RFC6350]) converts to a PartialDate
   object (Section 2.8.1 of [RFC9553]) when used for an anniversary,
   unless the DATE value only contains a month or a day (but not both).

   The following temporal types do not convert to a JSContact datetime
   type.  Instead, vCard properties or parameters having such value
   types convert as defined in Section 2.15.

   *  TIME (Section 4.3.2 of [RFC6350])

   *  DATE-TIME (Section 4.3.3 of [RFC6350])

   *  DATE-AND-OR-TIME (Section 4.3.4 of [RFC6350])

   *  DATE type values that only define a month or day (but not both)

2.2.3.  INTEGER

   The INTEGER type (Section 4.5 of [RFC6350]) converts to the JSContact
   Int and UnsignedInt types (Section 1.4.2 of [RFC9553]).

2.2.4.  FLOAT

   The FLOAT type (Section 4.6 of [RFC6350]) converts to the JSContact
   Number type (Section 1.3.2 of [RFC9553]).


   The LANGUAGE-TAG type (Section 4.8 of [RFC6350]) converts to the
   JSContact String type (Section 1.3.2 of [RFC9553]).  The value MUST
   be a language tag as defined in [RFC5646].

2.2.6.  TEXT

   The TEXT type (Section 4.1 of [RFC6350]) converts to the JSContact
   String type (Section 1.3.2 of [RFC9553]).

2.2.7.  URI

   The URI type (Section 4.2 of [RFC6350]) converts to the JSContact
   String type (Section 1.3.2 of [RFC9553]).  The value MUST be a URI as
   defined in Section 3 of [RFC3986]

2.2.8.  UTC-OFFSET

   The UTC-OFFSET type (Section 4.7 of [RFC6350]) either converts to a
   String value containing an IANA Time Zone Database entry name (see
   Section 2.8.2) or does not convert to any JSContact type.  For the
   latter, vCard properties or parameters having such values convert as
   defined in Section 2.15.

2.3.  vCard Parameters

   This section contains the conversion rules for vCard parameters.  A
   rule typically applies only for specific vCard properties.  To
   convert a vCard parameter on an arbitrary vCard property, see
   Section 2.15.2.

2.3.1.  ALTID

   The ALTID parameter (Section 5.4 of [RFC6350]) does not convert to an
   IANA-registered property in JSContact, but several conversion rules
   make use of this parameter to combine multiple vCard properties into
   a single JSContact object instance.  For an example of this, see
   Section 2.6.1.  To preserve the verbatim value of the ALTID
   parameter, set the JSContact properties defined in Section 2.15.

2.3.2.  AUTHOR

   The AUTHOR parameter (Section 4.1 of [RFC9554]) on a NOTE property
   converts to the Author object's uri property (Section 2.8.3 of
   [RFC9553]).  That Author object is set as the value of the Note
   object's author property (Section 2.8.3 of [RFC9553]).


   The AUTHOR-NAME parameter (Section 4.2 of [RFC9554]) on a NOTE
   property converts to the Author object's name property (Section 2.8.3
   of [RFC9553]).  That Author object is set as the value of the Note
   object's author property.

2.3.4.  CALSCALE

   The CALSCALE parameter (Section 5.8 of [RFC6350]) set on a BDAY,
   DEATHDATE, or ANNIVERSARY property converts to the PartialDate
   object's calendarScale property (Section 2.8.1 of [RFC9553]).

2.3.5.  CC

   The CC parameter (Section 3.1 of [RFC8605]) on an ADR property
   converts to the Address object's countryCode property
   (Section of [RFC9553]).

2.3.6.  CREATED

   The CREATED parameter (Section 4.3 of [RFC9554]) on a NOTE property
   converts to the Note object's created property (Section 2.8.3 of

2.3.7.  DERIVED

   The DERIVED parameter (Section 4.4 of [RFC9554]) does not convert to
   JSContact.  If the DERIVED parameter is set to "true" on a vCard
   property, then implementations MAY choose not to convert that

2.3.8.  GEO

   The GEO parameter (Section 5.10 of [RFC6350]) set on an ADR property
   converts to the Address object's coordinates property
   (Section of [RFC9553]).

2.3.9.  GROUP

   The GROUP parameter (Section 7.1 of [RFC7095]) does not convert to
   JSContact.  It exclusively is for use in jCard and MUST NOT be set in
   a vCard.

   Preserving the exact group name when converting from vCard to
   JSContact and back to vCard is not necessary.  Any group identifiers
   will do, as long as the resulting vCard groups its properties equally
   to the original vCard.  Implementations that still wish to preserve
   the exact property group name of a vCard property MAY set the jCard
   "group" parameter in the JSContact properties vCardProps or
   vCardParams as defined in Section 2.15.

   "phones": {
     "p1": {
       "number": "tel:+1-555-555-5555",
       "vCardParams" : {
        "group" : "item1"

           Figure 1: Example of How to Preserve the Group Name in
                       vCardParams during Conversion

   "vCardProps": [
     ["x-foo", {
       "group": "item2"
     }, "unknown", "bar"]

     Figure 2: Example of How to Preserve the Group Name in vCardProps
                             during Conversion

2.3.10.  INDEX

   The INDEX parameter (Section 3.1 of [RFC6715]) set on the EXPERTISE,
   HOBBY, INTEREST, and ORG-DIRECTORY properties converts to the
   PersonalInfo (Section 2.8.4 of [RFC9553]) and Directory
   (Section 2.6.2 of [RFC9553]) objects' listAs property.

2.3.11.  LANGUAGE

   The LANGUAGE parameter (Section 5.1 of [RFC6350]) converts to an
   entry in the Card object's localizations property (Section 2.7.1 of
   [RFC9553]) for that vCard property on which this parameter is set on.
   The value of the LANGUAGE parameter defines the language tag key in
   the localizations property.

   This specification does not define a single standard conversion rule
   for how to convert the property values.  Instead, building the
   localizations value is implementation-specific.

   Two options to populate the localizations property are:

   *  One Patch per Property: For each vCard property with a LANGUAGE
      parameter, set the complete path in the PatchObject to the
      JSContact property that the vCard property converts to.  The value
      of the patch is the converted property value.  This is simple to
      process and adequate if the vCard only contains a few properties
      with the LANGUAGE parameter.

   *  Bundle Patches by Parent: If a PatchObject contains multiple paths
      that have the same parent paths, then it might be possible to
      combine these patches into one patch that patches the parent
      property.  This is possible if the property in the Card is patched
      in its entirety.

   Generally, localizations only localize properties that are present in
   the non-localized version of this Card.  Figure 3 illustrates this.

   "language": "en",
   "name": {
     "full": "John Doe"
   "titles": {
     "t1": {
       "name": "Boss"
   "localizations": {
     "fr": {
       "titles/t1/name": "Patron"

        Figure 3: LANGUAGE Conversion Example: One Dominant Language

   As a special case, if one or more vCard properties of the same type
   do not have the LANGUAGE parameter set, add them to the non-localized
   Card.  Convert any with LANGUAGE parameters to the localizations
   property.  Figure 4 illustrates this.

   FN:John Doe
   "name": {
     "full": "John Doe"
   "titles": {
     "t1": {
       "name": "Boss"
   "localizations": {
     "fr": {
       "titles/t1/name": "Patron"

      Figure 4: LANGUAGE Conversion Example: Property without Language

2.3.12.  LABEL

   The LABEL parameter (Section 6.3.1 of [RFC6350]) on an ADR property
   converts to the Address object's full property (Section of

2.3.13.  LEVEL

   The LEVEL parameter (Section 3.2 of [RFC6715]) converts to the
   PersonalInfo object's level property (Section 2.8.4 of [RFC9553]).
   If this parameter is set on the EXPERTISE property, then its values
   convert as follows:

   *  "beginner" converts to "low";
   *  "average" converts to "medium"; and
   *  "expert" converts to "high".

   In all other cases, the values convert verbatim, but lowercase MUST
   be used for the JSContact value.

2.3.14.  MEDIATYPE

   The MEDIATYPE parameter (Section 5.7 of [RFC6350]) converts to the
   Resource object's mediaType property (Section 1.4.4 of [RFC9553]).

2.3.15.  PHONETIC

   The PHONETIC parameter (Section 4.6 of [RFC9554]) converts to the
   Name (Section 2.2.1 of [RFC9553]) and Address (Section 2.5.1 of
   [RFC9553]) objects' phoneticSystem property unless the parameter
   value is "script", in which case the phoneticSystem property is not

   The value of the SCRIPT parameter converts to the phoneticScript
   property (see Section 2.3.19).

   The related N or ADR property is defined by the vCard ALTID
   parameter.  The conversion rules for the N (Section 2.5.5) and ADR
   (Section 2.6.1) properties define how the vCard components convert to

   The component values of the property on which the PHONETIC parameter
   is set convert to the respective NameComponent or AddressComponent
   objects' phonetic properties.

   If more than one property has the PHONETIC parameter set and relates
   to the same property, then they convert to the Card object's
   localizations property according to their LANGUAGE parameter values
   as outlined in Section 2.3.11.

   "language": "zh-Hant",
   "name": {
     "components": [
       { "kind": "surname", "value": "å­«" },
       { "kind": "given", "value": "中山" },
       { "kind": "given2", "value": "文" },
       { "kind": "given2", "value": "逸仙" }
   "localizations": {
     "yue": {
       "name/phoneticSystem": "jyut",
       "name/phoneticScript": "Latn",
       "name/components/0/phonetic": "syun1",
       "name/components/1/phonetic": "zung1saan1",
       "name/components/2/phonetic": "man4",
       "name/components/3/phonetic": "jat6sin1"

                   Figure 5: PHONETIC Conversion Example

2.3.16.  PID

   The PID parameter (Section 5.5 of [RFC6350]) converts to the
   vCardParams property; see Section 2.15.2.

2.3.17.  PREF

   The PREF parameter (Section 5.3 of [RFC6350]) converts to the pref
   property of the derived JSContact object.

2.3.18.  PROP-ID

   The PROP-ID parameter (Section 4.7 of [RFC9554]) converts to the Id-
   typed key of the derived JSContact object.

   "phones": {
     "PHONE-A": {
       "contexts": { "private": true },
       "features": { "voice": true },
       "number": "tel:+1-555-555-5555;ext=5555",
       "pref": 1
     "PHONE-B": {
       "contexts": { "private": true },
       "number": "tel:+33-01-23-45-67"

                    Figure 6: PROP-ID Conversion Example

2.3.19.  SCRIPT

   The SCRIPT parameter (Section 4.8 of [RFC9554]) converts to the Name
   (Section 2.2.1 of [RFC9553]) or Address (Section 2.5.1 of [RFC9553])
   objects' phoneticScript property.

   Also see Section 2.3.15.


   The SERVICE-TYPE parameter (Section 4.9 of [RFC9554]) converts to the
   OnlineService object's service property (Section 2.3.2 of [RFC9553]).

2.3.21.  SORT-AS

   The SORT-AS parameter (Section 5.9 of [RFC6350]) converts to the
   Name, Organization, and OrgUnit objects' sortAs properties.

2.3.22.  TYPE

   The TYPE parameter (Section 5.6 of [RFC6350]) converts to either the
   contexts property or the kind property, as defined in later sections.
   If not otherwise specified, the vCard "home" and "work" parameter
   values convert to the JSContact "private" and "work" contexts,

2.3.23.  TZ

   The TZ parameter (Section 5.11 of [RFC6350]) on an ADR property
   converts to the Address object's timeZone property (Section
   of [RFC9553]).  Also see the conversion of the TZ property in
   Section 2.8.2.

2.3.24.  USERNAME

   The USERNAME parameter (Section 4.10 of [RFC9554]) converts to the
   OnlineService object's user property (Section 2.3.2 of [RFC9553]).

2.3.25.  VALUE

   The VALUE parameter (Section 5.2 of [RFC6350]) does not convert to an
   IANA-registered property in JSContact.  To preserve properties with
   experimental values, see Sections 2.15.1 and 2.15.2.

2.4.  General Properties

2.4.1.  BEGIN and END

   The BEGIN and END properties do not convert to IANA-registered
   properties in JSContact.

2.4.2.  KIND

   The KIND property (Section 6.1.4 of [RFC6350]) converts to the kind
   property (Figure 7).  Allowed values are those described in
   Section 6.1.4 of [RFC6350] and extended with the values declared in
   [RFC6473] and [RFC6869].

   "kind": "individual"

                     Figure 7: KIND Conversion Example

2.4.3.  SOURCE

   The SOURCE property (Section 6.1.3 of [RFC6350]) converts to a
   Directory object (Section 2.6.2 of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's
   directories property (Figure 8).  The Directory object's kind
   property is set to "entry".  The uri property is set to the SOURCE
   property value.

   The PREF and MEDIATYPE parameters convert according to the rules
   defined in Section 2.3.

   "directories": {
      "ENTRY-1": {
        "kind": "entry",
        "uri": "https://dir.example.com/addrbook/jdoe/Jean%20Dupont.vcf"

                    Figure 8: SOURCE Conversion Example

2.4.4.  XML

   The XML property (Section 6.1.5 of [RFC6350]) converts to the
   vCardProps property; see Section 2.15.1.

2.5.  Identification Properties


   The following properties all convert to Anniversary objects in the
   Card object's anniversaries property (Figure 9):

   *  ANNIVERSARY (Section 6.2.6 of [RFC6350])
   *  BDAY (Section 6.2.5 of [RFC6350])
   *  BIRTHPLACE (Section 2.1 of [RFC6474])
   *  DEATHDATE (Section 2.3 of [RFC6474])
   *  DEATHPLACE (Section 2.2 of [RFC6474])

   BDAY and BIRTHPLACE convert to an Anniversary object (Section 2.8.1
   of [RFC9553]) having the date and place properties set.  The kind
   property is set to "birth".

   DEATHDATE and DEATHPLACE convert to an Anniversary object having the
   date and place properties set.  The Anniversary object's kind
   property is set to "death".

   ANNIVERSARY converts to the Anniversary object's date property.  The
   Anniversary object's kind property is set to "wedding".

   If the BIRTHPLACE or DEATHPLACE property value is of type URI using
   the "geo:" URI scheme, then it converts to the Address object's
   coordinates property.  If the value type is TEXT, then it converts to
   the Address object's full property.  Otherwise, it converts to the
   vCardProps property; see Section 2.15.1.

   The ALTID and LANGUAGE parameters of both the BIRTHPLACE and
   DEATHPLACE properties convert according to the rules defined in
   Section 2.3.

    123 Main Street\nAny Town, CA 91921-1234\nU.S.A.
    5 Court Street\nNew England, ND 58647\nU.S.A.
   "anniversaries": {
     "ANNIVERSARY-1" : {
       "kind": "birth",
       "date": {
         "@type": "Timestamp",
         "utc": "1953-10-15T23:10:00Z"
       "place": {
            "123 Main Street\nAny Town, CA 91921-1234\nU.S.A."
     "ANNIVERSARY-2" : {
       "kind": "death",
       "date": {
         "year": 1996,
         "month": 4,
         "year": 15
       "place": {
         "full": "5 Court Street\nNew England, ND 58647\nU.S.A."
     "ANNIVERSARY-3" : {
       "kind": "wedding",
       "date": {
         "year": 1986,
         "month": 2,
         "day": 1

                       DEATHPLACE Conversion Example

2.5.2.  FN

   The FN property (Section 6.2.1 of [RFC6350]) converts to the Name
   object's full property (Figure 10).  If the LANGUAGE parameter is
   set, then the FN property converts as outlined in Section 2.3.11.  In
   the unexpected case where the vCard contains more than one FN
   property without the LANGUAGE parameter, convert the FN property that
   has the least parameters.  If multiple such FN properties are
   present, choose any of them.  All other FN properties convert to the
   vCardProps (Section 2.15.1) property.

   FN:John Q. Public, Esq.
   "name": {
     "full": "John Q. Public, Esq."

                      Figure 10: FN Conversion Example

2.5.3.  GENDER

   The GENDER property (Section 6.2.7 of [RFC6350]) does not convert to
   an IANA-registered property in JSContact.  To convert this property,
   see Section 2.15.1.  Alternatively, the Card object's speakToAs
   property defines how to address and refer to an individual
   represented by the Card, as do the newly defined vCard GRAMGENDER and
   PRONOUNS properties of [RFC9554].


   The GRAMGENDER property (Section 3.2 of [RFC9554]) converts to the
   SpeakToAs object's grammaticalGender property (Figure 11).

   The PRONOUNS property (Section 3.4 of [RFC9554]) converts to the
   SpeakToAs object's pronouns property (Figure 11).

   "speakToAs": {
     "grammaticalGender": "neuter",
     "pronouns": {
       "PRONOUNS-1": {
         "pronouns": "they/them",
         "pref": 2
       "PRONOUNS-2": {
         "pronouns": "xe/xir",
         "pref": 1

           Figure 11: GRAMGENDER and PRONOUNS Conversion Example

2.5.5.  N

   The N property (Section 6.2.2 of [RFC6350]) converts to a Name object
   (Section 2.2.1 of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's name property.
   Each component in the N property structured value converts to a
   NameComponent in the Name object's components property.  The
   following table shows this relation:

       | N          | NameComponent | Remarks                      |
       | component  | kind          |                              |
       | Family     | surname       | To vCard: add any "surname2" |
       | name       |               | NameComponent to the Family  |
       |            |               | name component, after all    |
       |            |               | "surname" values.            |
       |            |               | From vCard: ignore any value |
       |            |               | that also occurs in the      |
       |            |               | Secondary surname component. |
       | Given name | given         |                              |
       | Additional | given2        |                              |
       | name       |               |                              |
       | Honorific  | title         |                              |
       | prefix     |               |                              |
       | Honorific  | credential    | To vCard: add any            |
       | suffix     |               | "generation" NameComponent   |
       |            |               | to the Honorific suffix      |
       |            |               | component.                   |
       |            |               | From vCard: ignore any value |
       |            |               | that also occurs in the      |
       |            |               | Generation component.        |
       | Secondary  | surname2      |                              |
       | surname    |               |                              |
       | Generation | generation    |                              |

                      Table 1: N Components Conversion

   If the JSCOMPS (Section 3.3.1) parameter is set, then the Name
   object's isOrdered property value is "true", and the defaultSeparator
   property and any "separator" NameComponent objects are set according
   to the parameter value.  The order in the components property MUST
   adhere to the order of the JSCOMPS parameter value.

   If the JSCOMPS parameter is not set, then the Name object's isOrdered
   property value is "false", and the defaultSeparator property MUST NOT
   be set.  The order in the components property MUST follow the order
   of values in the N structured value when read from left to right.

   If the SORT-AS parameter is set, then its structured value converts
   to the Name object's sortAs property according to Table 1.  An empty
   or non-existent component value indicates that no sort is defined for
   this kind.

   N;SORT-AS="Stevenson,John Philip":
   "name": {
       { "kind": "surname", "value": "Stevenson" },
       { "kind": "given", "value": "John" },
       { "kind": "given2", "value": "Philip" },
       { "kind": "given2", "value": "Paul" },
       { "kind": "title", "value": "Dr." },
       { "kind": "credential", "value": "M.D." },
       { "kind": "credential", "value": "A.C.P." },
       { "kind": "generation", "value": "Jr." }
     "sortAs": {
       "surname": "Stevenson",
       "given": "John Philip"

                      Figure 12: N Conversion Example

   See Section 3.3.1 for examples of using the JSCOMPS parameter for
   vCard-structured property values.

2.5.6.  NICKNAME

   The NICKNAME property (Section 6.2.3 of [RFC6350]) converts to a
   Nickname object (Section 2.2.2 of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's
   nicknames property (Figure 13).  The name property is set to the
   NICKNAME property value.

   The PREF and TYPE parameters convert according to the rules defined
   in Section 2.3.

   "nicknames": {
      "NICK-1": {
       "name": "Johnny"

                   Figure 13: NICKNAME Conversion Example

2.5.7.  PHOTO

   The PHOTO property (Section 6.2.4 of [RFC6350]) converts to a Media
   object (Section 2.6.4 of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's media
   property (Figure 14).  The Media object's kind property is set to
   "photo" and the uri property is set to the PHOTO value.

   The PREF and MEDIATYPE parameters convert according to the rules
   defined in Section 2.3.

   "media": {
      "PHOTO-1": {
        "kind": "photo",
        "uri": "https://www.example.com/pub/photos/jqpublic.gif"

                    Figure 14: PHOTO Conversion Example

2.6.  Delivery Addressing Properties

2.6.1.  ADR

   The ADR property (Section 6.3.1 of [RFC6350]) converts to an Address
   object (Section of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's addresses
   property.  Each component in the ADR-structured property value
   converts to an AddressComponent in the Address object's components

   [RFC9554] defines new components for the ADR property.
   Implementations SHOULD set these new components, even if all their
   values are the empty string.

   The following table shows how the ADR component and AddressComponent
   kind relate:

    | ADR         | AddressComponent | Remarks                       |
    | component   | kind             |                               |
    | post office | postOfficeBox    | [RFC6350] recommends that     |
    | box         |                  | this component not be set,    |
    |             |                  | but this is now disputable    |
    |             |                  | given the new components.     |
    |             |                  | Instead, set this component   |
    |             |                  | and use the new ADR value     |
    |             |                  | format defined in [RFC9554].  |
    | extended    | apartment        | To vCard: set the values of   |
    | address     |                  | the following components:     |
    |             |                  |                               |
    |             |                  | *  room                       |
    |             |                  |                               |
    |             |                  | *  floor                      |
    |             |                  |                               |
    |             |                  | *  apartment                  |
    |             |                  |                               |
    |             |                  | *  building                   |
    |             |                  |                               |
    |             |                  | From vCard: ignore if the ADR |
    |             |                  | structured value is of the    |
    |             |                  | format defined in [RFC9554].  |
    |             |                  | Otherwise, convert to         |
    |             |                  | "apartment".                  |
    | street      | name             | To vCard: set the values of   |
    | address     |                  | the following components:     |
    |             |                  |                               |
    |             |                  | *  number                     |
    |             |                  |                               |
    |             |                  | *  name                       |
    |             |                  |                               |
    |             |                  | *  block                      |
    |             |                  |                               |
    |             |                  | *  direction                  |
    |             |                  |                               |
    |             |                  | *  landmark                   |
    |             |                  |                               |
    |             |                  | *  subdistrict                |
    |             |                  |                               |
    |             |                  | *  district                   |
    |             |                  |                               |
    |             |                  | From vCard: ignore if the ADR |
    |             |                  | structured value is of the    |
    |             |                  | format defined in [RFC9554].  |
    |             |                  | Otherwise, convert to "name". |
    | locality    | locality         |                               |
    | region      | region           |                               |
    | postal code | postcode         |                               |
    | apartment   | apartment        | Defined in [RFC9554].         |
    | block       | block            | Defined in [RFC9554].         |
    | building    | building         | Defined in [RFC9554].         |
    | direction   | direction        | Defined in [RFC9554].         |
    | district    | district         | Defined in [RFC9554].         |
    | floor       | floor            | Defined in [RFC9554].         |
    | landmark    | landmark         | Defined in [RFC9554].         |
    | room        | room             | Defined in [RFC9554].         |
    | street      | number           | Defined in [RFC9554].         |
    | number      |                  |                               |
    | subdistrict | subdistrict      | Defined in [RFC9554].         |

                    Table 2: ADR Components Conversion

   If the JSCOMPS (Section 3.3.1) parameter is set, then the Address
   object's isOrdered property value is "true", and the defaultSeparator
   property and any separator name components are set according to the
   parameter value.  The order in the components property MUST adhere to
   the order of the JSCOMPS parameter value.

   If the JSCOMPS parameter is not set, then the Address object's
   isOrdered property value is "false", and the defaultSeparator
   property MUST NOT be set.  The order in the components property MUST
   follow the order of values in the ADR structured value when read from
   left to right.

      The LABEL parameter converts to the Address object's full

      The GEO parameter converts to the Address object's coordinates

      The TZ parameter converts to the Address object's timeZone

      The CC parameter converts to the Address object's countryCode

   The PREF and TYPE parameters convert according to the rules defined
   in Section 2.3.  The ADR-specific values of the TYPE parameter
   defined in Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of [RFC9554] convert to the
   corresponding entries of the contexts property as defined in
   Section 2.5.1 of [RFC9553].

   The ALTID and LANGUAGE parameters convert according to the rules
   defined in Section 2.3.  Each possible language-dependent alternative
   converts to an entry of the PatchObject where the key references the
   full property.

    ;;54321 Oak St;Reston;VA;20190;USA;;;;54321;Oak St;;;;;;
   "addresses": {
     "ADDR-1" : {
       "contexts": { "work": true },
       "components": [
         { "kind": "number", "value": "54321" },
         { "kind": "name", "value": "Oak St" },
         { "kind": "locality", "value": "Reston" },
         { "kind": "region", "value": "VA" },
         { "kind": "postcode", "value": "20190" },
         { "kind": "country", "value": "USA" }
       "countryCode": "US"

                     Figure 15: ADR Conversion Example

   See Section 3.3.1 for examples of using the JSCOMPS parameter for
   vCard-structured property values.

2.7.  Communications Properties

2.7.1.  EMAIL

   The EMAIL property (Section 6.4.2 of [RFC6350]) converts to an
   EmailAddress object (Section 2.3.1 of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's
   emails property (Figure 16).  The EmailAddress object's address
   property is set to the EMAIL value.

   The PREF and TYPE parameters convert according to the rules defined
   in Section 2.3.

   "emails": {
     "EMAIL-1": {
       "contexts": { "work": true },
       "address": "jqpublic@xyz.example.com"
     "EMAIL-2": {
       "address": "jane_doe@example.com",
       "pref": 1

                    Figure 16: EMAIL Conversion Example

2.7.2.  IMPP

   The IMPP property (Section 6.4.3 of [RFC6350]) converts to an
   OnlineService object (Section 2.3.2 of [RFC9553]) in the Card
   object's onlineServices property (Figure 17).  The vCardName property
   is set to "impp", and the uri property is set to the IMPP value.

   The SERVICE-TYPE, USERNAME, PREF, and TYPE parameters convert
   according to the rules defined in Section 2.3.

   "onlineServices": {
     "OS-1": {
       "uri": "xmpp:alice@example.com",
       "pref": 1,
       "vCardName": "impp"

                     Figure 17: IMPP Conversion Example

2.7.3.  LANG

   The LANG property (Section 6.4.4 of [RFC6350]) converts to a
   LanguagePref object (Section 2.3.4 of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's
   preferredLanguages property (Figure 18).  The LANG property value
   converts to the LanguagePref object's language property value.

   The PREF and TYPE parameters convert according to the rules defined
   in Section 2.3.

   "preferredLanguages": {
     "LANG-1": {
       "language": "en",
       "contexts": { "work": true },
       "pref": 1
     "LANG-2": {
       "language": "fr",
       "contexts": { "work": true },
       "pref": 2
     "LANG-3": {
       "language": "fr",
       "contexts": { "private": true }

                     Figure 18: LANG Conversion Example

2.7.4.  LANGUAGE

   The LANGUAGE property (Section 3.3 of [RFC9554]) converts to the Card
   object's language property (Figure 19).

   "language": "de-AT"

                   Figure 19: LANGUAGE Conversion Example


   The SOCIALPROFILE property (Section 3.5 of [RFC9554]) converts to an
   OnlineService object (Section 2.3.2 of [RFC9553]) in the Card
   object's onlineServices property (Figure 20).  The vCardName property
   is set to "socialprofile", or it can be omitted.  If the
   SOCIALPROFILE property value is of type URI, then the OnlineService
   object's uri property is set; otherwise, the user property is set.

   The SERVICE-TYPE, USERNAME, PREF, and TYPE parameters convert
   according to the rules defined in Section 2.3.

   "onlineServices": {
     "OS-1": {
       "service": "Mastodon",
       "uri": "https://example.com/@foo"

                Figure 20: SOCIALPROFILE Conversion Example

2.7.6.  TEL

   The TEL property (Section 6.4.1 of [RFC6350]) converts to a Phone
   object (Section 2.3.3 of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's phones
   property (Figure 21).

   The TEL-specific values of the TYPE parameter convert to the features
   property keys as outlined in Table 3.  Note that Section 6.4.1 of
   [RFC6350] defines the default type to be "voice", but the default
   Phone features property is absent by default.  Accordingly, an
   implementation SHOULD only set the Phone object's features property
   if the TEL property actually has a TEL-specific TYPE parameter set.

                      | TYPE value  | Phone feature |
                      | cell        | mobile        |
                      | fax         | fax           |
                      | main-number | main-number   |
                      | pager       | pager         |
                      | text        | text          |
                      | textphone   | textphone     |
                      | video       | video         |
                      | voice       | voice         |

                        Table 3: TEL TYPE Conversion

   The value of the TEL property converts to the Phone object's number

   The PREF and TYPE parameters convert according to the rules defined
   in Section 2.3.

   "phones": {
     "PHONE-1": {
       "contexts": { "private": true },
       "features": { "voice": true },
       "number": "tel:+1-555-555-5555;ext=5555",
       "pref": 1
     "PHONE-2": {
       "contexts": { "private": true },
       "number": "tel:+33-01-23-45-67"

                     Figure 21: TEL Conversion Example

2.8.  Geographical Properties

2.8.1.  GEO

   The GEO property (Section 6.5.2 of [RFC6350]) converts to the Address
   object's coordinates property (Section 2.5.1 of [RFC9553]).  Also see
   Section 2.8.3 to determine which Address object instance to convert

2.8.2.  TZ

   The TZ property (Section 6.5.1 of [RFC6350]) converts an Address
   object (Section 2.5.1 of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's addresses

   A value of type TEXT converts to the Address object's timeZone

   A value of type UTC-OFFSET converts to the Address object's timeZone
   property if the offset has zero minutes and the hour offset is
   between -12 and +14, both inclusively.  Note that:

   *  If the hour offset is zero, use the time zone name "Etc/UTC".

   *  Otherwise, construct the time zone name with "Etc/GMT" suffixed
      with the string representation of the reversed sign hour offset,
      including the sign but excluding leading zeros and minutes.  For
      example, the UTC offset value "-0500" converts to "Etc/GMT+5".

   For such property values, also see Section 2.8.3 to determine which
   Address object instance to convert to.

   Any other value of type UTC-OFFSET or URI does not convert to an
   IANA-registered property in JSContact.  To convert such property, see
   Section 2.15.1.

2.8.3.  Combining Geographical Properties

   In vCard, the properties ADR, GEO, and TZ occur independently of each
   other.  In JSContact, they all convert to properties of an Address
   object.  It is implementation-specific if these vCard properties
   convert to _separate_ address instances in JSContact or if some or
   all of them convert to the _same_ address.  That being said,
   implementations MUST convert the properties to the _same_ address for
   the following cases:

   *  The GROUP parameter values of the properties match.

   *  The GROUP parameters are not set, but they are set on any other
      ADR, GEO, and TZ properties.

2.9.  Organizational Properties


   The CONTACT-URI property (Section 2.1 of [RFC8605]) converts to a
   Link object (Section 2.6.3 of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's links
   property (Figure 22).  The Link object's kind property is set to
   "contact" and the uri property is set to the CONTACT-URI property

   The PREF and TYPE parameters convert according to the rules defined
   in Section 2.3.

   "links": {
     "CONTACT-1": {
       "kind": "contact",
       "uri": "mailto:contact@example.com",
       "pref": 1

                 Figure 22: CONTACT-URI Conversion Example

2.9.2.  LOGO

   The LOGO property (Section 6.6.3 of [RFC6350]) converts to a Media
   object (Section 2.6.4 of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's media
   property (Figure 23).  The Media object's kind property is set to
   "logo" and the uri property is set to the LOGO property value.

   The PREF and TYPE parameters convert according to the rules defined
   in Section 2.3.

   "media": {
     "LOGO-1": {
       "kind": "logo",
       "uri": "https://www.example.com/pub/logos/abccorp.jpg"

                     Figure 23: LOGO Conversion Example

2.9.3.  MEMBER

   The MEMBER property (Section 6.6.5 of [RFC6350]) converts to the Card
   object's members property (Figure 24).  Each MEMBER property value is
   a key in the members property.  The PREF parameter (Section 5.3 of
   [RFC6350]) does not convert to JSContact.

   FN:The Doe family
   "kind": "group",
   "name": {
     "full": "The Doe family"
   "uid": "urn:uuid:ab4310aa-fa43-11e9-8f0b-362b9e155667",
   "members": {
     "urn:uuid:03a0e51f-d1aa-4385-8a53-e29025acd8af": true,
     "urn:uuid:b8767877-b4a1-4c70-9acc-505d3819e519": true

                          Figure 24: Group Example

2.9.4.  ORG

   The ORG property (Section 6.6.4 of [RFC6350]) converts to an
   Organization object (Section 2.2.3 of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's
   organizations property (Figure 25).  The Organization object's name
   property is set to the ORG property organizational name component.
   The Organization object's units property is an array of OrgUnit
   objects that each contain an organizational unit name component value
   of the ORG property value.

   Implementations MAY allow representation of organizational units
   without the organizational name.  In this case, the first component
   of the ORG value MUST be an empty string (e.g., ORG:;DepartmentA).

   The ALTID and LANGUAGE parameters convert according to the rules
   defined in Section 2.3.

   The first item of the comma-separated SORT-AS parameter value
   converts to the sortAs property of the Organization object.  The
   subsequent items convert to the sortAs property of the corresponding
   OrgUnit object.

   The TYPE parameter converts according to the rules defined in
   Section 2.3.

   ORG;SORT-AS="ABC":ABC\, Inc.;North American Division;Marketing
   "organizations": {
     "ORG-1": {
       "name": "ABC, Inc.",
         { "name": "North American Division" },
         { "name": "Marketing" }
       "sortAs": "ABC"

                     Figure 25: ORG Conversion Example

2.9.5.  RELATED

   The RELATED property (Section 6.6.6 of [RFC6350]) converts to the
   Card object's relatedTo property (Figure 26).  The property value
   converts to the key in the relatedTo property.  The TYPE parameters
   convert to the Relation object's relation property (Section 2.1.8 of
   [RFC9553]).  Any other parameters convert as defined in
   Section 2.15.2.

   RELATED;VALUE=text:Please contact my deputy John for any inquiries.
   "relatedTo" : {
     "urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6" : {
       "relation" : {
         "friend" : true
     "https://example.com/directory/john.vcf" : {
       "relation" : {
         "contact" : true
     "Please contact my deputy John for any inquiries." : {
       "relation" : { }

                   Figure 26: RELATED Conversion Example

2.9.6.  TITLE and ROLE

   The TITLE (Section 6.6.1 of [RFC6350]) and ROLE (Section 6.6.2 of
   [RFC6350]) properties convert to a Title object (Section 2.2.5 of
   [RFC9553]) in the Card object's titles property (Figure 27).  The
   Title object's kind property is set to "title" or "role" for the
   TITLE and ROLE vCard properties, respectively.  The name property is
   set to the vCard property value.

   The value of the organizationId property can be derived if the TITLE
   or ROLE property is a member of a vCard property group and if exactly
   one other ORG property is also a part of that group.

   The ALTID and LANGUAGE parameters convert according to the rules
   defined in Section 2.3.

   TITLE:Research Scientist
   group1.ROLE:Project Leader
   group1.ORG:ABC, Inc.
   "titles": {
     "TITLE-1": {
       "kind": "title",
       "name": "Research Scientist"
     "TITLE-2": {
       "kind": "role",
       "name": "Project Leader",
       "organizationId": "ORG-1"
   "organizations": {
     "ORG-1": {
       "name": "ABC, Inc."

                Figure 27: TITLE and ROLE Conversion Example

2.10.  Personal Information Properties

2.10.1.  EXPERTISE

   The EXPERTISE property (Section 2.1 of [RFC6715]) converts to a
   PersonalInfo object (Section 2.8.4 of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's
   personalInfo property (Figure 28).  The PersonalInfo object's kind
   property is set to "expertise".

   The INDEX and LEVEL parameters convert according to the rules defined
   in Section 2.3.

   EXPERTISE;LEVEL=beginner;INDEX=2:Chinese literature
   "personalInfo": {
     "PERSINFO-1" : {
       "kind": "expertise",
       "value": "Chinese literature",
        "level": "low",
        "listAs": 2
     "PERSINFO-2" : {
       "kind": "expertise",
       "value": "chemistry",
       "level": "high",
       "listAs": 1

                  Figure 28: EXPERTISE Conversion Example

2.10.2.  HOBBY

   The HOBBY property (Section 2.2 of [RFC6715]) converts to a
   PersonalInfo object (Section 2.8.4 of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's
   personalInfo property (Figure 29).  The PersonalInfo object's kind
   property is set to "hobby".

   The INDEX and LEVEL parameters convert according to the rules defined
   in Section 2.3.

   "personalInfo": {
     "PERSINFO-1" : {
       "kind": "hobby",
       "value": "reading",
       "level": "high",
       "listAs": 1
     "PERSINFO-2" : {
       "kind": "hobby",
       "value": "sewing",
       "level": "high",
       "listAs": 2

                    Figure 29: HOBBY Conversion Example

2.10.3.  INTEREST

   The INTEREST property (Section 2.3 of [RFC6715]) converts to a
   PersonalInfo object (Section 2.8.4 of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's
   personalInfo property (Figure 30).  The PersonalInfo object's kind
   property is set to "interest".

   The INDEX and LEVEL parameters convert according to the rules defined
   in Section 2.3.

   INTEREST;INDEX=1;LEVEL=medium:r&b music
   INTEREST;INDEX=2;LEVEL=high:rock&roll music
   "personalInfo": {
     "PERSINFO-1" : {
       "kind": "interest",
       "value": "r&b music",
       "level": "medium",
       "listAs": 1
     "PERSINFO-2" : {
       "kind": "interest",
       "value": "rock&roll music",
       "level": "high",
       "listAs": 2

                   Figure 30: INTEREST Conversion Example


   The ORG-DIRECTORY property (Section 2.4 of [RFC6715]) [RFC6715]
   converts to a Directory object (Section 2.6.2 of [RFC9553]) in the
   Card object's directories property (Figure 31).  The Directory
   object's kind property is set to "directory".  The uri property is
   set to the ORG-DIRECTORY property value.

   The INDEX, PREF, and TYPE parameters convert according to the rules
   defined in Section 2.3.

   "directories": {
     "DIRECTORY-1": {
       "kind": "directory",
       "uri": "https://directory.mycompany.example.com",
       "listAs": 1
     "DIRECTORY-2": {
       "kind": "directory",
       "uri": "ldap://ldap.tech.example/o=Tech,ou=Engineering",
       "pref": 1

                Figure 31: ORG-DIRECTORY Conversion Example

2.11.  Explanatory Properties


   The CATEGORIES property (Section 6.7.1 of [RFC6350]) converts to a
   set of entries of the Card object's keywords property (Figure 32).
   The keys are the comma-separated text values of the CATEGORIES

   In this case, the PREF parameter does not have a JSContact
   counterpart; however, the implementors MAY insert the entries by
   order of preference.

   CATEGORIES:internet,IETF,Industry,Information Technology
   "keywords": {
     "internet": true,
     "IETF": true,
     "Industry": true,
     "Information Technology": true

                  Figure 32: CATEGORIES Conversion Example


   The CLIENTPIDMAP property (Section 6.7.7 of [RFC6350]) converts to
   the vCardProps (Section 2.15.1) property.

2.11.3.  CREATED

   The CREATED property (Section 3.1 of [RFC9554]) converts to the Card
   object's created property (Figure 33).

   "created": "1994-09-30T14:35:10Z"

                   Figure 33: CREATED Conversion Example

2.11.4.  NOTE

   The NOTE property (Section 6.7.2 of [RFC6350]) converts to a Note
   object (Section 2.8.3 of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's notes
   property (Figure 34).

   The ALTID and LANGUAGE parameters convert according to the rules
   defined in Section 2.3.

     Office hours are from 0800 to 1715 EST\, Mon-Fri.
   "notes": {
     "NOTE-1" : {
        "note": "Office hours are from 0800 to 1715 EST, Mon-Fri.",
        "created": "2022-11-23T15:01:32Z",
        "author": {
          "name": "John"

                     Figure 34: NOTE Conversion Example

2.11.5.  PRODID

   The PRODID property (Section 6.7.3 of [RFC6350]) converts to the Card
   object's prodId property (Figure 35).

   PRODID:ACME Contacts App version 1.23.5
   "prodId": "ACME Contacts App version 1.23.5"

                    Figure 35: PRODID Conversion Example

2.11.6.  REV

   The REV property (Section 6.7.4 of [RFC6350]) converts to the Card
   object's updated property (Figure 36).

   "updated": "1995-10-31T22:27:10Z"

                     Figure 36: REV Conversion Example

2.11.7.  SOUND

   The SOUND property (Section 6.7.5 of [RFC6350]) converts to a Media
   object (Section 2.6.4 of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's media
   property (Figure 37).  The Media object's kind property is set to
   "sound" and the uri property is set to the SOUND value.

   The PREF and TYPE parameters convert according to the rules defined
   in Section 2.3.

   "media": {
     "SOUND-1": {
       "kind": "sound",
       "uri": "CID:JOHNQPUBLIC.19960229T080000.xyzMail@example.com"

                    Figure 37: SOUND Conversion Example

2.11.8.  UID

   The UID property (Section 6.7.6 of [RFC6350]) converts to the Card
   object's uid property (Figure 38).

   "uid": "urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6"

                     Figure 38: UID Conversion Example

2.11.9.  URL

   The URL property (Section 6.7.8 of [RFC6350]) converts to a Link
   object (Section 2.6.3 of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's links
   property (Figure 39).  The Link object's uri property is set to the
   URL value.

   The PREF and TYPE parameters convert according to the rules defined
   in Section 2.3.

   "links": {
     "LINK-1": {
       "uri": "https://example.org/restaurant.french/~chezchic.html"

                     Figure 39: URL Conversion Example

2.11.10.  VERSION

   The VERSION property (Section 6.7.9 of [RFC6350]) converts to the
   vCardProps (Section 2.15.1) property.

2.11.11.  X-ABLabel

   The X-ABLabel property is experimental but widely in use in existing
   vCard data.  It converts to the label property of a JSContact object.
   The X-ABLabel property is preceded by a vCard property group name,
   and the label converts to the JSContact object, which was converted
   from a vCard property of the same group.

   The group name is not preserved; implementations are free to choose
   any unique group name when converting back to vCard.  For an example
   on how to preserve the group name, see Section 2.3.9.

   "phones": {
     "p1": {
       "number": "tel:+1-555-555-5555",
       "label": "foo"

                  Figure 40: X-ABLabel Conversion Example

2.12.  Security Properties

2.12.1.  KEY

   The KEY property (Section 6.8.1 of [RFC6350]) converts to a CryptoKey
   object (Section 2.6.1 of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's cryptoKeys
   property (Figure 41).  The CryptoKey object's uri property is set to
   the KEY property value.

   The PREF and TYPE parameters convert according to the rules defined
   in Section 2.3.

   "cryptoKeys": {
     "KEY-1": {
       "uri": "https://www.example.com/keys/jdoe.cer"

                     Figure 41: KEY Conversion Example

2.13.  Calendar Properties

2.13.1.  CALADRURI

   The CALADRURI property (Section 6.9.2 of [RFC6350]) converts to a
   SchedulingAddress object (Section 2.4.2 of [RFC9553]) in the Card
   object's schedulingAddresses property (Figure 42).  The
   SchedulingAddress object's uri property is set to the CALADRURI

   The PREF parameter (Section 5.3 of [RFC6350]) converts according to
   the rules defined in Section 2.3.

   "schedulingAddresses": {
     "SCHEDULING-1": {
       "uri": "mailto:janedoe@example.com",
       "pref": 1
     "SCHEDULING-2": {
       "uri": "https://example.com/calendar/jdoe"

                  Figure 42: CALADRURI Conversion Example

2.13.2.  CALURI

   The CALURI property (Section 6.9.3 of [RFC6350]) converts to a
   Calendar object (Section 2.4.1 of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's
   calendars property (Figure 43).  The Calendar object's kind property
   is set to "calendar" and the uri property is set to the CALURI value.

   The PREF and TYPE parameters convert according to the rules defined
   in Section 2.3.

   "calendars": {
     "CAL-1": {
       "kind": "calendar",
       "uri": "https://cal.example.com/calA",
       "pref": 1
     "CAL-2": {
       "kind": "calendar",
       "uri": "https://ftp.example.com/calA.ics",
       "mediaType": "text/calendar"

                    Figure 43: CALURI Conversion Example

2.13.3.  FBURL

   The FBURL property (Section 6.9.1 of [RFC6350]) converts to a
   Calendar object (Section 2.4.1 of [RFC9553]) in the Card object's
   calendars property (Figure 44).  The Calendar object's kind property
   is set to "freeBusy" and the uri property is set to the FBURL value.

   The PREF and TYPE parameters convert according to the rules defined
   in Section 2.3.

   "calendars": {
     "FBURL-1": {
       "kind": "freeBusy",
       "uri": "https://www.example.com/busy/janedoe",
       "pref": 1
     "FBURL-2": {
       "kind": "freeBusy",
       "uri": "https://example.com/busy/project-a.ifb",
       "mediaType": "text/calendar"

                    Figure 44: FBURL Conversion Example

2.14.  Extended Properties and Parameters

   Extended properties and parameters convert as specified in
   Section 2.15.

2.15.  New JSContact Properties

   vCards may contain properties or parameters for which no IANA-
   registered JSContact property is defined.  For example, a vCard may
   contain properties and parameters of which the semantics or purposes
   are unknown to the implementation; see Section 6.10 of [RFC6350].

   This section defines JSContact properties by which such vCard
   properties and parameters MAY be represented in JSContact.
   Implementations MAY choose to convert differently if they deem that
   more appropriate.

2.15.1.  vCardProps

   vCardProps: JCardProp[] (optional).  Contains vCard properties that
      are set in the vCard represented by this JSContact object.  The
      JCardProp type denotes a jCard-encoded vCard property as defined
      in Section 3.3 of [RFC7095].

   Example:  This illustrates how to convert a vCard extension property:

      "vCardProps": [
        ["x-foo", {
          "x-bar": "Hello",
          "group": "item1"
        }, "unknown", "World!"]

                   Figure 45: JSContact vCardProps Example

2.15.2.  vCardParams

   vCardParams: String[String|String[]] (optional).  Contains vCard
      parameters that are set on the vCard property represented by this
      JSContact object.  The value MUST be a JSON object containing
      vCard property parameters as defined in Section 3.3 of [RFC7095].
      Each entry represents a parameter of the vCard property that
      converts to the JSContact object.

   Example:  This illustrates how to convert a vCard extension

      "emails": {
        "email1": {
          "address": "jane_doe@example.com",
          "vCardParams": {
            "x-foo": "Bar"

                   Figure 46: JSContact vCardParams Example

2.15.3.  vCardName

   vCardName: String (optional).  Contains the name of the vCard element
      that is represented by this JSContact object.  For example, this
      allows to preserve the name of a vCard property when multiple
      vCard properties convert the same JSContact type.  The case-
      insensitive value MUST be valid according to the "name" ABNF
      defined in Section 3.3 of [RFC6350].

   Example:  Both vCard IMPP and SOCIALPROFILE convert to an
      OnlineService object (Section 2.3.2 of [RFC9553]) in JSContact.
      The vCardName property value indicates that the vCard source
      element was IMPP as follows:

      "onlineServices": {
        "os1": {
          "uri": "xmpp:alice@example.com",
          "vCardName": "impp"

                    Figure 47: JSContact vCardName Example

3.  Converting JSContact to vCard

3.1.  Conversion Rules

   A Card object converts to vCard by applying the reverse rules of
   converting vCard to JSContact.  In addition to those listed in
   Appendix A, the following rules apply:

   *  Multivalued JSContact properties convert to separate instances of
      their equivalent vCard property, and each of the PROP-ID
      parameters MUST be set to the Id-typed key of the converted value
      (see Section 2.3.18).

   *  The full property of the name property in JSContact is optional,
      but the FN property is mandatory in vCard.  The following rules

      -  If the Name object's full property is set, then implementations
         MUST use its value for the vCard FN property.

      -  If the Name object's full property is not set, then
         implementations SHOULD derive the full name from the Name
         object's components property values.  If the isOrdered property
         is "true", then this can be done by concatenating the name
         component values.  Otherwise, or alternatively, an
         implementation can choose any other heuristic to generate the
         full name from its components such as [CLDRPersonName].
         Implementations MUST set the DERIVED parameter on the FN

      -  Otherwise, the FN property MUST be set to the empty value.

   *  Vendor-specific and unknown properties convert to vCard as
      outlined in Section 3.1.1.

3.1.1.  Converting Unknown Properties

   JSContact objects may contain properties for which no IANA-registered
   vCard property is defined.  For example, a JSContact object may
   contain vendor-specific properties of which the semantics or purpose
   are unknown.

   This specification defines the new JSPROP (Section 3.2.1) vCard
   property and JSPTR (Section 3.3.2) vCard parameter by which such
   JSContact properties MAY be represented in vCard.  Implementations
   MAY choose to convert differently if they deem that more appropriate.

3.2.  New vCard Properties

3.2.1.  JSPROP

   Property name:  JSPROP

   Purpose:  Represents a JSContact property in vCard.

   Value type:  TEXT; also see "Format definition" below for value

   Conformance:  Can be specified multiple times in a vCard.

   Property parameters:  The JSPTR parameter MUST be set for this
      property.  Other IANA-registered and experimental property
      parameters can be specified on this property.

   Description:  This property converts an arbitrary JSContact property
      from and to vCard.  The vCard property value is the JSON-encoded
      value of the JSContact property, represented as a TEXT value.  The
      format of the JSON value MUST be compact, e.g., without
      insignificant whitespace as defined in Section 2 of [RFC8259].
      The value of the JSPTR parameter points to the JSContact property
      within the Card.

      The root of the JSON pointer is always the Card object that this
      vCard converts to, irrespective if the JSON pointer starts with
      the SOLIDUS (U+002F) character.  The pointer MUST NOT reference
      into an array.

      All JSPROP properties in a vCard together form a PatchObject as
      defined in [RFC9553].  The value of its JSPTR parameter
      corresponds to a key in the PatchObject; the value of the JSPROP
      property corresponds to the value for that key.  When converting
      from vCard to JSContact, the PatchObject MUST only be applied
      after all other vCard properties have already been converted.  The
      PatchObject MUST be valid, including the restriction that an
      invalid PatchObject MUST NOT be applied.

   Format definition:  This property is defined by the following

      jsprop = "JSPROP" jsprop-param ":" TEXT

      jsprop-param  = *(
                  ; The following are REQUIRED and MUST NOT
                  ; occur more than once
                  ( ";" jsptr-param ) /    ; see next section
                  ( ";" "VALUE" "=" "TEXT")
                  ; The following is OPTIONAL
                  ; and MAY occur more than once.
                  (";" other-param)

   Example(s):  This illustrates how to convert a property at the top
      level in a Card object that is unknown to the implementation.

      "someUnknownProperty": true

                     Figure 48: Unknown Property Example

      This illustrates how to convert a vendor-specific property at the
      top level of a Card object.  Note the required use of quoted
      string for the JSPTR value, which allows the path to include the
      COLON (U+003A) character.

      "example.com:foo": {
        "bar": 1234

            Figure 49: Vendor-Specific Property Conversion Example

      This illustrates how to convert a vendor-specific property at a
      nested level in a Card object using a path relative to the Card
      object.  Although not recommended, the property name includes the
      SOLIDUS (U+002F) character, which requires escaping in the JSON

      "phones": {
        "phone1": {
          "number": "tel:+33-01-23-45-67",
          "example.com:foo/bar": "tux hux"
       "tux hux"

        Figure 50: Nested Vendor-Specific Property Example with a Path
                               Relative to Card

3.3.  New vCard Parameters

3.3.1.  JSCOMPS

   Parameter name:  JSCOMPS

   Purpose:  Defines the order and separators for the elements of a
      structured property value.

   Description:  The JSCOMPS parameter value facilitates converting name
      and address components between JSContact and vCard.  It preserves
      the order of the components of the JSContact property and contains
      the verbatim values of separator components.

      If this parameter is set and its value is valid (see later), then
      implementations MUST set the isOrdered property of the Name or
      Address object to "true".  Otherwise, they MUST set the isOrdered
      property value to "false".

      The JSCOMPS parameter value is a structured type value.  Its value
      MUST be quoted.  The parameter value consists of a sequence of
      entries, separated by the SEMICOLON character (U+003B).  The first
      entry defines the value of the defaultSeparator property.  If it
      is the empty string, then no default separator is defined.
      Otherwise, the first entry MUST be a separator entry.  All
      following entries processed in order result in an ordered list of
      JSContact components and MUST be one of the following two kinds:

      1.  A positional.  This refers to a component value in the vCard
          structured value.  A position consists of the numeric index of
          a component in the structured value, optionally followed by a
          COMMA (U+002C) character and the non-zero index of a value
          within that component.  The zero index selects the first
          component or value, respectively.  The second index is zero by
          default, in which case it MUST be omitted (as well as the
          leading COMMA).

          The resulting JSContact component is formed by determining its
          kind by the position in the vCard structured value.  The
          component value is the verbatim value of the vCard component.
          Figures 51 and 52 illustrate this by example.

      2.  A separator.  This contains the verbatim value of a separator
          component.  It starts with the LATIN SMALL LETTER S (U+0073)
          character, followed by the COMMA (U+002C) character, followed
          by zero or more "param-value" characters (see Section 3.3 of
          [RFC6350]), where the COMMA (U+002C) and SEMICOLON (U+003B)
          characters MUST be escaped according to the rules defined in
          Section 3.4 of [RFC6350].  Figure 53 illustrates this by

          The resulting JSContact component is formed by setting its
          kind to "separator" and its value to the verbatim value of the

      A JSCOMPS parameter value is valid if and only if:

      *  All indexes in the positional entries refer to an existing
         component value in the vCard property value.

      *  The count of positional entries equals the count of
         deduplicated component values.  Deduplication is required
         because some values may occur in both their designated and
         backwards-compatible components in the vCard property value:

         -  A value that occurs in both the N property secondary surname
            component and the family name component only counts once.

         -  A value that occurs in both the N property generation
            component and the honorific suffix component only counts

         -  A value in the ADR property street address component does
            not count if the ADR property value contains a value in one
            of the new components defined in [RFC9554].

         -  All other values count once each.

   Format definition:
      jscomps-param      = "JSCOMPS" "=" DQUOTE [jscomps-entry-sep ] ";"
                                         jscomps-entrylist DQUOTE

      jscomps-entrylist  = jscomps-entry *(";" jscomps-entry)
      jscomps-entry      = jscomps-entry-pos / jscomps-entry-sep
      jscomps-entry-pos  = 1*DIGIT [ "," 1*DIGIT ]
      jscomps-entry-sep  = "s" "," jscomps-entry-verb
      jscomps-entry-verb = *QSAFE-CHAR ; encode according to RFC 6868

   Example(s):  The following example demonstrates the use of positional
      entries for the name "Jane Doe".  The given name is ordered before
      the surname.  No secondary index is required for either positional
      because both are zero.

      "name": {
        "components": [
          { "kind": "given", "value": "Jane" },
          { "kind": "surname", "value": "Doe" }
        "isOrdered": true
      FN;DERIVED=TRUE:Jane Doe

              Figure 51: Example of a Secondary Positional Index

      The following example demonstrates a secondary positional index.
      The "Jr." generation marker only counts once because it occurs in
      both the designated generation component and the backwards-
      compatible honorific suffixes component.

      "name": {
        "components": [
          { "kind": "given", "value": "John" },
          { "kind": "given2", "value": "Philip" },
          { "kind": "given2", "value": "Paul" },
          { "kind": "surname", "value": "Stevenson" },
          { "kind": "generation", "value": "Jr." },
          { "kind": "credential", "value": "M.D." }
        "isOrdered": true

                   Figure 52: Example of Positional Entries

      The following example demonstrates the use of separator entries
      for the (shortened for brevity) address "54321 Oak St, Reston".
      The first entry defines the default separator to be ", ".  The
      second and fourth positional entries are separated with the
      separator value " ".  For backwards compatibility, the street
      address component of the ADR property contains both the street
      number and name, but it is not referred to in the JSCOMPS
      parameter and does not contribute to the count of values.

      "addresses": {
        "a1": {
          "components": [
            { "kind": "number", "value": "54321" },
            { "kind": "separator", "value": " " },
            { "kind": "name", "value": "Oak St" },
            { "kind": "locality", "value": "Reston" }
          "defaultSeparator": ", ",
          "isOrdered": true
      ADR;JSCOMPS="s,\, ;11;s, ;10;3":
       ;;54321 Oak St;Reston;;;;;;;Oak St;54321;;;;;;

                   Figure 53: Example of Separator Entries

3.3.2.  JSPTR

   Parameter name:  JSPTR

   Purpose:  This parameter is set on a JSPROP (Section 3.2.1) property.
      Its value is a JSON pointer [RFC6901] that points to the JSContact
      property that has the value of the JSPROP property.

   Description:  This parameter has a single value that MUST be a valid
      JSON pointer as defined in [RFC6901].  Note that the value MUST be
      quoted according to the "param-value" ABNF in [RFC6350].

   Format definition:
      jsptr-param  = "JSPTR" "=" param-value
                   ; also see param-value in RFC 6350, Section 3.3

   Example(s):  This illustrates a simple example.  For further
      examples, see Section 3.2.1.


4.  Security Considerations

   This specification defines how to convert between the JSContact and
   vCard formats.  The security considerations for parsing and
   formatting such data apply and are outlined in Section 4 of [RFC9553]
   and Section 9 of [RFC6350].

5.  IANA Considerations

5.1.  New vCard Property

   IANA has added the following entry to the "vCard Properties"
   registry, as defined in Section 10.3.1 of [RFC6350].

            | Namespace | Property | Reference               |
            |           | JSPROP   | RFC 9555, Section 3.2.1 |

                       Table 4: New vCard Property

5.2.  New vCard Parameter

   IANA has added the following entry to the "vCard Parameters"
   registry, as defined in Section 10.3.2 of [RFC6350].

            | Namespace | Parameter | Reference               |
            |           | JSPTR     | RFC 9555, Section 3.3.2 |

                        Table 5: New vCard Parameter

5.3.  New JSContact Properties

   IANA has added the following entries to the "JSContact Properties"
   registry.  Note that the Since Version is 1.0, the Until Version is
   not set, and the Change Controller is IETF for all of these

   |Property   |Property Type          |Property |Intended|Reference/ |
   |Name       |                       |Context  |Usage   |Description|
   |vCardName  |String                 |Any      |common  |RFC 9555,  |
   |           |                       |JSContact|        |Section    |
   |           |                       |object   |        |2.15.3     |
   |vCardParams|String[String|String[]]|Any      |common  |RFC 9555,  |
   |           |                       |JSContact|        |Section    |
   |           |                       |object   |        |2.15.2     |
   |vCardProps |JCardProp[]            |Card     |common  |RFC 9555,  |
   |           |                       |         |        |Section    |
   |           |                       |         |        |2.15.1     |

                  Table 6: JSContact Properties Registry

5.4.  New JSContact Type

   IANA has added the following entry to the "JSContact Types" registry.
   Note that the Since Version is 1.0, the Until Version is not set, and
   the Change Controller is IETF for this type.

   | Type Name | Intended Usage | Reference/Description    |
   | JCardProp | common         | RFC 9555, Section 2.15.1 |

               Table 7: JSContact Types Registry

6.  References

6.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC3986]  Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform
              Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66,
              RFC 3986, DOI 10.17487/RFC3986, January 2005,

   [RFC5234]  Crocker, D., Ed. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
              Specifications: ABNF", STD 68, RFC 5234,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5234, January 2008,

   [RFC5646]  Phillips, A., Ed. and M. Davis, Ed., "Tags for Identifying
              Languages", BCP 47, RFC 5646, DOI 10.17487/RFC5646,
              September 2009, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5646>.

   [RFC6350]  Perreault, S., "vCard Format Specification", RFC 6350,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6350, August 2011,

   [RFC6473]  Saint-Andre, P., "vCard KIND:application", RFC 6473,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6473, December 2011,

   [RFC6474]  Li, K. and B. Leiba, "vCard Format Extensions: Place of
              Birth, Place and Date of Death", RFC 6474,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6474, December 2011,

   [RFC6715]  Cauchie, D., Leiba, B., and K. Li, "vCard Format
              Extensions: Representing vCard Extensions Defined by the
              Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Converged Address Book (CAB)
              Group", RFC 6715, DOI 10.17487/RFC6715, August 2012,

   [RFC6869]  Salgueiro, G., Clarke, J., and P. Saint-Andre, "vCard
              KIND:device", RFC 6869, DOI 10.17487/RFC6869, February
              2013, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6869>.

   [RFC6901]  Bryan, P., Ed., Zyp, K., and M. Nottingham, Ed.,
              "JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Pointer", RFC 6901,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6901, April 2013,

   [RFC7095]  Kewisch, P., "jCard: The JSON Format for vCard", RFC 7095,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7095, January 2014,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8174>.

   [RFC8259]  Bray, T., Ed., "The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data
              Interchange Format", STD 90, RFC 8259,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8259, December 2017,

   [RFC9553]  Stepanek, R. and M. Loffredo, "JSContact: A JSON
              Representation of Contact Data", RFC 9553,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9553, May 2024,

   [RFC9554]  Stepanek, R. and M. Loffredo, "vCard Format Extensions for
              JSContact", RFC 9554, DOI 10.17487/RFC9554, May 2024,

6.2.  Informative References

              Davis, M., Edberg, P., Gillam, R., Kolisnychenko, A.,
              McKenna, M., and other CLDR committee members, "Unicode
              Locale Data Markup Language (LDML) Part 8: Person Names",
              Unicode Technical Standard #35, Version 44.1, July 2023,

   [RFC8605]  Hollenbeck, S. and R. Carney, "vCard Format Extensions:
              ICANN Extensions for the Registration Data Access Protocol
              (RDAP)", RFC 8605, DOI 10.17487/RFC8605, May 2019,

   [vOBJECT]  Tse, R., Tam, P., and M. Douglass, "vObject
              Internationalization", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-calconnect-vobject-i18n-00, 8 June 2018,

Appendix A.  Reverse Rules of Converting a vCard to a JSContact Card

   Table 8 lists the relevant document sections for each JSContact type
   and property.

     | JSContact Type    | Property Name       | Relevant Section(s) |
     | Address           | @type               | not applicable      |
     | Address           | components          | Sections 2.6.1 and  |
     |                   |                     | 3.3.1               |
     | Address           | contexts            | Section 2.3.22      |
     | Address           | coordinates         | Sections 2.3.8 and  |
     |                   |                     | 2.8.1               |
     | Address           | country             | Section 2.6.1       |
     | Address           | countryCode         | Section 2.6.1       |
     | Address           | defaultSeparator    | Sections 2.6.1 and  |
     |                   |                     | 3.3.1               |
     | Address           | full                | Section 2.6.1       |
     | Address           | isOrdered           | Sections 2.6.1 and  |
     |                   |                     | 3.3.1               |
     | Address           | locality            | Section 2.6.1       |
     | Address           | phoneticScript      | Sections 2.3.15 and |
     |                   |                     | 2.3.19              |
     | Address           | phoneticSystem      | Section 2.3.15      |
     | Address           | postcode            | Section 2.6.1       |
     | Address           | pref                | Section 2.3.17      |
     | Address           | region              | Section 2.6.1       |
     | Address           | timeZone            | Sections 2.3.23 and |
     |                   |                     | 2.8.2               |
     | AddressComponent  | phonetic            | Section 2.3.15      |
     | Anniversary       | @type               | not applicable      |
     | Anniversary       | date                | Section 2.5.1       |
     | Anniversary       | kind                | Section 2.5.1       |
     | Anniversary       | place               | Section 2.5.1       |
     | Author            | @type               | not applicable      |
     | Author            | name                | Section 2.3.3       |
     | Author            | uri                 | Section 2.3.2       |
     | Calendar          | @type               | not applicable      |
     | Calendar          | contexts            | Section 2.3.22      |
     | Calendar          | kind                | Sections 2.13.2 and |
     |                   |                     | 2.13.3              |
     | Calendar          | label               | Section 2.11.11     |
     | Calendar          | mediaType           | Section 2.3.14      |
     | Calendar          | pref                | Section 2.3.17      |
     | Calendar          | uri                 | Sections 2.13.2 and |
     |                   |                     | 2.13.3              |
     | Card              | @type               | not applicable      |
     | Card              | @version            | not applicable      |
     | Card              | addresses           | Section 2.6.1       |
     | Card              | anniversaries       | Section 2.5.1       |
     | Card              | calendars           | Sections 2.13.2 and |
     |                   |                     | 2.13.3              |
     | Card              | created             | Section 2.11.3      |
     | Card              | directories         | Sections 2.4.3 and  |
     |                   |                     | 2.10.4              |
     | Card              | emails              | Section 2.7.1       |
     | Card              | keywords            | Section 2.11.1      |
     | Card              | kind                | Section 2.4.2       |
     | Card              | language            | Section 2.7.4       |
     | Card              | links               | Sections 2.9.1 and  |
     |                   |                     | 2.11.9              |
     | Card              | localizations       | Section 2.3.11      |
     | Card              | media               | Sections 2.5.7,     |
     |                   |                     | 2.9.2, and 2.11.7   |
     | Card              | members             | Section 2.9.3       |
     | Card              | name                | Section 2.5.5       |
     | Card              | nicknames           | Section 2.5.6       |
     | Card              | notes               | Section 2.11.4      |
     | Card              | onlineServices      | Section 2.7.2       |
     | Card              | organizations       | Section 2.9.4       |
     | Card              | personalInfo        | Sections 2.10.1,    |
     |                   |                     | 2.10.2, and 2.10.3  |
     | Card              | phones              | Section 2.7.6       |
     | Card              | preferredLanguages  | Section 2.7.3       |
     | Card              | prodId              | Section 2.11.5      |
     | Card              | relatedTo           | Section 2.9.5       |
     | Card              | schedulingAddresses | Section 2.13.1      |
     | Card              | speakToAs           | Section 2.5.4       |
     | Card              | titles              | Section 2.9.6       |
     | Card              | uid                 | Section 2.11.8      |
     | Card              | updated             | Section 2.11.6      |
     | CryptoKey         | @type               | not applicable      |
     | CryptoKey         | contexts            | Section 2.3.22      |
     | CryptoKey         | kind                | not applicable      |
     | CryptoKey         | label               | Section 2.11.11     |
     | CryptoKey         | mediaType           | Section 2.3.14      |
     | CryptoKey         | pref                | Section 2.3.17      |
     | CryptoKey         | uri                 | Section 2.12.1      |
     | Directory         | @type               | not applicable      |
     | Directory         | contexts            | Section 2.3.22      |
     | Directory         | kind                | Sections 2.4.3 and  |
     |                   |                     | 2.10.4              |
     | Directory         | label               | Section 2.11.11     |
     | Directory         | listAs              | Section 2.3.10      |
     | Directory         | mediaType           | Section 2.3.14      |
     | Directory         | pref                | Section 2.3.17      |
     | Directory         | uri                 | Sections 2.4.3 and  |
     |                   |                     | 2.10.4              |
     | EmailAddress      | @type               | not applicable      |
     | EmailAddress      | address             | Section 2.7.1       |
     | EmailAddress      | contexts            | Section 2.3.22      |
     | EmailAddress      | label               | Section 2.11.11     |
     | EmailAddress      | pref                | Section 2.3.17      |
     | LanguagePref      | @type               | not applicable      |
     | LanguagePref      | contexts            | Section 2.3.22      |
     | LanguagePref      | pref                | Section 2.3.17      |
     | Link              | @type               | not applicable      |
     | Link              | contexts            | Section 2.3.22      |
     | Link              | kind                | Section 2.9.1       |
     | Link              | label               | Section 2.11.11     |
     | Link              | mediaType           | Section 2.3.14      |
     | Link              | pref                | Section 2.3.17      |
     | Link              | uri                 | Sections 2.9.1 and  |
     |                   |                     | 2.11.9              |
     | Media             | @type               | not applicable      |
     | Media             | contexts            | Section 2.3.22      |
     | Media             | kind                | Sections 2.5.7,     |
     |                   |                     | 2.9.2, and 2.11.7   |
     | Media             | label               | Section 2.11.11     |
     | Media             | mediaType           | Section 2.3.14      |
     | Media             | pref                | Section 2.3.17      |
     | Media             | uri                 | Sections 2.5.7,     |
     |                   |                     | 2.9.2, and 2.11.7   |
     | Name              | @type               | not applicable      |
     | Name              | components          | Sections 2.5.5 and  |
     |                   |                     | 3.3.1               |
     | Name              | defaultSeparator    | Sections 2.5.5 and  |
     |                   |                     | 3.3.1               |
     | Name              | full                | Section 2.5.2       |
     | Name              | phoneticScript      | Sections 2.3.15 and |
     |                   |                     | 2.3.19              |
     | Name              | phoneticSystem      | Section 2.3.15      |
     | Name              | isOrdered           | Sections 2.5.5 and  |
     |                   |                     | 3.3.1               |
     | Name              | sortAs              | Section 2.3.21      |
     | NameComponent     | @type               | not applicable      |
     | NameComponent     | kind                | Section 2.5.5       |
     | NameComponent     | phonetic            | Section 2.3.15      |
     | NameComponent     | value               | Section 2.5.5       |
     | Nickname          | @type               | not applicable      |
     | Nickname          | contexts            | Section 2.3.22      |
     | Nickname          | name                | Section 2.5.5       |
     | Nickname          | pref                | Section 2.3.17      |
     | Note              | @type               | not applicable      |
     | Note              | author              | Sections 2.3.2 and  |
     |                   |                     | 2.3.3               |
     | Note              | created             | Section 2.3.6       |
     | Note              | note                | Section 2.11.4      |
     | OnlineService     | @type               | not applicable      |
     | OnlineService     | contexts            | Section 2.3.22      |
     | OnlineService     | label               | Section 2.11.11     |
     | OnlineService     | pref                | Section 2.3.17      |
     | OnlineService     | service             | Section 2.3.20      |
     | OnlineService     | uri                 | Sections 2.7.2 and  |
     |                   |                     | 2.7.5               |
     | OnlineService     | user                | Section 2.3.24      |
     | OrgUnit           | @type               | not applicable      |
     | OrgUnit           | name                | Section 2.9.4       |
     | OrgUnit           | sortAs              | Section 2.3.21      |
     | Organization      | @type               | not applicable      |
     | Organization      | contexts            | Section 2.3.22      |
     | Organization      | name                | Section 2.9.4       |
     | Organization      | sortAs              | Section 2.3.21      |
     | Organization      | units               | Section 2.9.4       |
     | PartialDate       | @type               | not applicable      |
     | PartialDate       | calendarScale       | Section 2.3.4       |
     | PartialDate       | day                 | Section 2.2.2       |
     | PartialDate       | month               | Section 2.2.2       |
     | PartialDate       | year                | Section 2.2.2       |
     | PatchObject       | @type               | not applicable      |
     | PersonalInfo      | @type               | not applicable      |
     | PersonalInfo      | kind                | Sections 2.10.1,    |
     |                   |                     | 2.10.2, and 2.10.3  |
     | PersonalInfo      | listAs              | Section 2.3.10      |
     | PersonalInfo      | level               | Section 2.3.13      |
     | PersonalInfo      | value               | Sections 2.10.1,    |
     |                   |                     | 2.10.2, and 2.10.3  |
     | Phone             | @type               | not applicable      |
     | Phone             | contexts            | Section 2.3.22      |
     | Phone             | features            | Section 2.7.6       |
     | Phone             | label               | Section 2.11.11     |
     | Phone             | number              | Section 2.7.6       |
     | Phone             | pref                | Section 2.3.17      |
     | Pronouns          | @type               | not applicable      |
     | Pronouns          | contexts            | Section 2.3.22      |
     | Pronouns          | pref                | Section 2.3.17      |
     | Pronouns          | pronouns            | Section 2.5.4       |
     | Relation          | @type               | not applicable      |
     | Relation          | relation            | Section 2.9.5       |
     | Resource          | @type               | not applicable      |
     | SchedulingAddress | @type               | not applicable      |
     | SchedulingAddress | contexts            | Section 2.3.22      |
     | SchedulingAddress | label               | Section 2.11.11     |
     | SchedulingAddress | pref                | Section 2.3.17      |
     | SchedulingAddress | uri                 | Section 2.13.1      |
     | SpeakToAs         | @type               | not applicable      |
     | SpeakToAs         | grammaticalGender   | Section 2.5.4       |
     | SpeakToAs         | pronouns            | Section 2.5.4       |
     | AddressComponent  | @type               | not applicable      |
     | AddressComponent  | kind                | Section 2.6.1       |
     | AddressComponent  | value               | Section 2.6.1       |
     | Timestamp         | @type               | not applicable      |
     | Timestamp         | utc                 | Section 2.2.2       |
     | Title             | @type               | not applicable      |
     | Title             | kind                | Section 2.9.6       |
     | Title             | name                | Section 2.9.6       |
     | Title             | organizationId      | Section 2.9.6       |

        Table 8: Conversion Rules for JSContact Types and Properties


   The definition and examples of the PHONETIC (Section 2.3.15) and
   SCRIPT (Section 2.3.19) parameters are based on the initial draft
   version of [vOBJECT].

Authors' Addresses

   Mario Loffredo
   Via Moruzzi, 1
   56124 Pisa
   Email: mario.loffredo@iit.cnr.it
   URI:   https://www.iit.cnr.it

   Robert Stepanek
   PO Box 234
   Collins St. West
   Melbourne VIC 8007
   Email: rsto@fastmailteam.com
   URI:   https://www.fastmail.com
  1. RFC 9555